Alistair Selected For Newton Prize Review Panel

UNESCO UK Newton Prize

Rainforest Strategies partner Dr. Alistair Brett has been selected as a member of the review panel helping to determine the 2017 UNESCO UK Newton Prize winners.  The Newton Prize is an annual £1 million fund and a part of the broader Newton Fund. The Prize aims to incentivize researchers and businesses to participate in the Newton Fund as partners with the UK, and to work on the most important challenges facing the sixteen Newton partner countries.

Each Prize will be worth up to £200,000, and will be awarded for the best research or innovation that promotes the economic development and social welfare of Newton partner countries, or addresses global challenges, aligning with and strengthening the Newton Fund’s overall objectives.

The 2017 Newton Prize Committee will be chaired by Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, President of the Royal Society, which was founded in 1660 under the patronage of Charles II. The concept for the Newton Prize has been developed in part to demonstrate how UK partnerships with Newton countries are solving global challenges.