RFS Founders

Our founders, teaming up with associates and allied ventures, can deliver expertise in all aspects of innovation culture, leadership, and strategy to help you cultivate an exciting, effective, inclusive innovation culture.


Joe Sterling, Owner
Bio + Projects
+1 970-640-3610
+1 619-206-2403

“We can innovate just about anything, but why bother? If we innovate public health and safety that makes life possible. If we innovate justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, that makes humanity stronger. If we innovate how communities build wealth, without losing track of the other two, that makes everything else better.”

Joe always asks “Why innovate?” Unless we innovate whole social systems, piecemeal improvements to economic, social, or environmental topics seldom last. Joe loves to talk and learn about the "5R's": what makes groups, ecosystems and organizations Robust, Resilient and Responsible; how Related we are to everything; and how to Renew our minds every day.


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Henry Doss
Bio + Projects 

“If you want to get things done, if you want to move the trash, there is no substitute for frequent, informal conversation.  Language drives action, and action needs frequent course correction.  So, talk to people.  Often.”

After five years with RFS, Henry has been building technology businesses. He is currently Chairman and CEO of Advisor Controls, providing leading-edge financial planning software and consulting to financial planning industry. Prior to that he was CEO of Zuryc.com. He is interested in the intersection of personal leadership, innovation science, and the study of the humanities. He believes that literature, history, and philosophy have things to tell us about creating great businesses. And great people. And great societies. He’s also a pretty decent guitar player and songwriter, with several original songs making it onto national charts.

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Alistair Brett
Bio + Projects

“Innovation – and life – is all about complex adaptive systems. The more we learn about these the more we understand our daily lives. Innovation is about solving problems. Innovation science help us solve problems.”

The late Alistair Brett was obsessed with applying knowledge of complexity to enhancing innovation, but also enjoyed discussing science, philosophy, pre-Raphaelite and impressionist paintings, and generating ideas while urban walking. Alistair passed in 2022.


Check out this video from the Rainforest Immersion for Innovation Frontera (El Paso, TX + Las Cruces, NM + Juarez, Mexico) in 2015.


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