How do you know you need Rainforest Strategies? Ask yourself these 10 questions:

1.      Are you ready for a breakthrough in your organization’s capacity to innovate?  
2.     Would your organization benefit from increasing the velocity of innovation?
3.     How sustainable are your innovation efforts? Could they be made more sustainable?
4.     Would it help you to measure the attributes of your innovation ecosystem, to identify strengths and improvement opportunities?
5.     If your leaders could facilitate accelerated innovation and collaboration, would that help?
6.     Do you want your people to know and apply the science of innovation, including strong practices for innovation leadership and culture?  
7.     Would specific consultation or customized presentations on innovation topics be helpful?
8.     Could 1-on-1 coaching help your leaders and innovation role models get better faster?
9.     What would your organization be like next year, if you made progress on innovation this year?
10.    How would your life improve by making real progress on these points over the next 12 months?

Our approach and programming has been employed by government leaders, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, capital providers, and major NGOs. Our methods have used in global conferences, focused sessions, and successfully tested by the US Department of Commerce


Measure + Facilitate + Educate + Coach

Generally, RFS engagements include a blend of the following elements. How they are assembled is co-created with you for maximum relevance and effectiveness:


1.     We assess and analyze enterprise and community innovation attributes: leadership; frameworks, infrastructure, policies; resources; activities and engagement; role models; and culture. Download a complimentary copy of our Rainforest Scorecard to learn about measuring innovation. Try out our online Rainforest Scorecard (for free) and we'll send you a brief analysis of your results. We help you identify innovation strengths and improvement opportunities across the enterprise, your supply chains, and community – including how these are reflected in your innovation strategies and strategic plans. See examples of Rainforest Radars and analyses.


2.    We facilitate you to prioritize your strategic issues, collaboratively design solutions with all relevant stakeholders, and integrate these into your strategic and operating plans to ensure implementation. Our Rainforest Immersion 1-day event is where many organizations and ecosystems start.


3.    We provide education on the science and methods of innovation that enable your organization to deliberately grow its innovation culture; and, we provide support to the enterprise-wide implementation of solutions. See our Innovation Fellows and Innovation Leadership programs.


4.     Lastly, we coach, consult, and speak on innovation and the change management mastery seen in highly-dynamic innovative organizations. Periodically, we re-assess to help you measure progress and develop a cycle of continuous improvement around innovation. See our sample Rainforest keynote slide show.


These four steps are customized to fit your unique context. We start where you are, and together move your organization to its next level of innovation capacity, velocity, and sustainability


To learn more about why we talk about complex systems the way we do see Rainforest Analogy.


To begin applying these ideas immediately in your company, institution or region, download a complimentary copy of our Rainforest Scorecard innovation assessment. Most people complete it in under 20 minutes. We’d can provide you with an analysis of your scores.

If you would like to explore what a Rainforest Immersion for your organization could look like, contact us today