Innovation & Sales Inextricably Linked

Our partner, Alistair Brett, is quoted in this Entrepreneur article. The question the article raises: if an innovation occurs in the forest and there's no one there to buy it, is it really an innovation? Until a new solution is put to into play to make an improvement for its users/buyers it really can't be called an innovation. The development may be technically brilliant, an artisanal masterpiece, but it has yet to add any value to users. The challenge is concurrent design of technical solution, value proposition, and the influence methodology needed to achieve uptake. Our Rainforest Strategy programming and facilitation methods specifically addresses this challenge.

Entrepreneur, 2017-04-10: Why Even Space Startups Insist Sales Are More Important Than Technology It doesn't matter how great your product is -- if you can't sell it, you'll never be able to make it. By Harry Red

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